REDSTATE | Published November 24, 2024
The nation’s largest abortion clinic was caught selling 23-week-old aborted babies for research— the same clinic that argues they are “saving” women’s lives.
According to shocking emails, Planned Parenthood negotiated terms concerning the donation of aborted fetuses for medical research regarding a “research plan” submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Ethics Review Board. In 2018, the so-called “plan” was approved, noting that scientists requested up to 2,500 fetuses that were aborted at the six-month gestation period.
The heavily redacted plan stated that the project would harvest fetuses from four weeks up until six months old from patients undergoing “elective surgical pregnancy termination” who are carrying viable, non-anomalous fetuses at Planned Parenthood. The aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood were transferred to the research center thanks to the help of a “Biological Materials Transfer Agreement” contract.
It is legal for the clinic to donate fetuses taken to the Perinatal Repository at UCSD for research.
“These documents show that Planned Parenthood is supplying healthy babies who are old enough to survive outside the womb from late-term abortions to the University of California’s royalty-generating experiments,” pro-life activist David Daleiden told the New York Post.
SOURCE: www.redstate.com
RELATED: Planned Parenthood’s stomach-churning emails ‘negotiating’ for fetus donations exposed
THE NEW YORK POST | Published November 21, 2024
Stomach-churning emails show Planned Parenthood negotiating terms regarding the donation of aborted fetuses for medical research.
The emails discuss fetal tissue like any other commodity such as sugar or rice, nonchalantly negotiating for fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions.
A heavily-redacted so-called “Research Plan” submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board and approved in 2018 states scientists wanted 2,500 fetuses from up to almost the sixth month of gestation for experimentation.
“We will collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego,” the plan states.
Although selling fetal tissue is illegal, donating it is not illegal. The contract between UCSD and Planned Parenthood appears to allow Planned Parenthood to retain “intellectual property rights relating to the” fetal tissue, although it also does not grant UCSD the independent right to “commercialize” the tissue.
The fetuses were taken to Perionatal Repository at UCSD to be researched.
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