Published September 29, 2024
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a law Thursday to reverse a policy that Kamala Harris championed to threaten the parents of truant schoolchildren when she was District Attorney of San Francisco and California Attorney General.
As Breitbart News has noted:
Kamala Harris prosecuted the parents of truant children as District Attorney of San Francisco and California Attorney General in a dubious effort to improve attendance that disproportionately hurt people of color in her state.
Harris tried to walk back her support for prosecuting truancy when she last ran for president in 2019. She even falsely claimed that no one had been jailed as a result of her policy, when in fact parents had been prosecuted and jailed.
As former Breitbart News White House correspondent Charlie Spiering wrote in his book on Harris, Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House, Harris was lenient toward cop killers, murderers, and gun offenders, and botched a thousand drug cases tainted by faulty evidence, but she was tough on parents of truant children. She even “made a public show of using her authority to strike fear into the hearts of public-school-attending families,” Spiering recalled.
The issue came up in 2019, when National Public Radio noted that Harris’s program hurt black and Latino parents.
Newsom signed SB 691, which notes:
Existing law requires a school district, upon a pupil’s initial classification as a truant, to notify the pupil’s parent or guardian of specified information, including, among other information, that the pupil and parent or guardian of the pupil may be subject to prosecution, as specified, and that it is recommended that the parent or guardian accompany the pupil to school and attend classes with the pupil for one day.
This bill, commencing July 1, 2025, would remove those specific pieces of information from that notification and would require that notification to include additional information, including, among other information, that mental health and supportive services may be available to the pupil and the family and that school personnel are available to meet with the pupil and family to develop strategies to support the pupil’s attendance at school.
SOURCE: www.breitbart.com
RELATED: New California law requires parents to save money earned by child influencers: ‘Protected from financial abuse’
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two pieces of legislation Thursday to ensure children and teenagers who perform in online content are protected from financial abuse.Governor Gavin Newsom
Published September 28, 2024
A new California law requires parents to set aside money earned by child social media influencers and deposit the earnings into accounts their kids can’t access until they are adults.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill beside pop star and former child actress Demi Lovato on Thursday that mandates parents and guardians place a percentage of money made by minors on the web into trust accounts, according to the governor’s office.
The governor additionally signed a second piece of legislation that expands the state’s Coogan Law — a longstanding protection for child actors in Hollywood — to include minors employed as online content creators.
The law required 15% of children and teens’ earnings be placed in a trust to be untouched until their 18th birthday.
These protections will ensure minors who perform in online content “are protected from financial abuse,” Newsom’s office said.
“In old Hollywood, child actors were exploited. In 2024, it’s now child influencers,” Newsom said in a statement.
“Today, that modern exploitation ends through two new laws to protect young influencers on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms.”
SOURCE: www.nypost.com