TOWNHALL | Published January 15, 2025
California Democrats and local officials need to understand that there’s this thing called social media. There’s a search engine called Google, and they will expose your lies. Yes, Big Tech has been involved in some grotesque censorship. Still, with wildfires and preparation, old clips have resurfaced that have scorched the latest narrative about how Los Angeles County was prepared, how the reservoirs were filled, and how the Santa Ana winds left first responders paralyzed to mother nature. Yeah, that dog won’t hunt.
The origins of the fire seem to be man-made. Was it the homeless? The latest fire erupted near a known homeless camp. It’s been a problem; these people usually start half of the fires LAFD extinguishes, though the media dare not say a word about it, right? The high winds bit is hilarious. These clowns want to sell that they’ve never seen such high winds. LA did in 2011. Yet, let’s get to the latest development: Michael Shellenberger has a bombshell story detailing the failure to mobilize fire crews, the byzantine bureaucracy that bogs down efficiency, and the abject failure of city and county officials to prepare for what is going to be a $100 billion disaster. Also, the Palisades blaze, which continues to burn uncontrollably, was allowed to burn for almost an hour before firefighters arrived (via Public):
SOURCE: www.townhall.com
RELATED: OUTRAGEOUS: Before LA Burned, LAFD Was Begging for Money to Replace Broken-Down Equipment
REDSTATE | Published January 15, 2025
With the wildfires in the Los Angeles area still raging, a new exclusive report from the UK’s Daily Mail’s Perkin Amalaraj reveals that the Los Angeles Fire Department has, for some time, been literally begging the city council for funding to replace aging equipment and hire new maintenance staff. Those pleas went unanswered, and now we see the results.
The Los Angeles Fire Department begged the city’s council for nearly $100 million to replace its entire fleet just two months before the deadly wildfires, DailyMail.com can reveal.
The infernos that are consuming Los Angeles have so far killed at least 24 and have displaced more than 200,000 people, and critics have been excoriating the city’s leadership for their decision to cut the LAFD’s already dwindling budget.
In a preliminary budget request for 2025/26, signed by Fire Chief Kristin Rowley, made on October 29, the LAFD asked for $96,535,000 to fund a ‘fleet replacement plan’.
The revelations come amid growing anger at the city’s Democratic leadership, particularly mayor Karen Bass, for its alleged focus on diversity and inclusion over emergency preparedness.
The firefighting force said in its request to the city: ‘Many vehicles have surpasses their expected service life, leading to increased maintenance costs, reduces parts availability and potential downtime.’
And in its formal proposal to the city in November, it requested $24,063,000 for ‘new fleet/apparatus purchases’.
Here are some of the things the City and County of Los Angeles did see fit to spend money on:
Fox News reported that hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on initiatives including $14,010 to the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, $190,000 to the Homeless and HIV needle exchange program, and $100,000 of county funds to pay for Juneteenth celebrations.
Here’s the part I find baffling: My son-in-law, a paramedic and volunteer firefighter for a small Iowa county of about 12,000 people — the kid is basically Captain America — reports that his little, mostly rural county has just funded the purchase of replacements for one of their three modern fire trucks and all three of their ambulances. Between the county seat’s town council and the county, he assures me that the emergency services departments are a high priority and get what they need.
Would that Los Angeles had their priorities so properly in order.
The voters of California, in general, and Los Angeles, in particular, have some serious soul-searching to do. The state and city governments have, in this blazing inferno, failed in pretty much every way imaginable, and now we see that their priorities for funding were not only sadly but abominably misplaced. If this doesn’t change the voting patterns of a fair number of California, this kind of thing will just keep happening.
The Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. It’s just plain absurd.
SOURCE: www.redstate.com
China Gloats Over LA Wildfires